I've already mentioned the Keep Me Warm Swap. Hey! An ideal situation to practice said mug rug! So I sat down with some fabric scraps that were sent to me with a fabric I purchased on Ebay and this tutorial on Stash Manicure , this tutorial for binding from That Girl...That Quilt and this binding tutorial from Oh, Fransson!
I would like to tell you it was so easy I had it done in 15 minutes.. but I can't. I can say, though, that is was very straightforward and once I figured each step out it was much easier. I really need to learn to measure, measure, measure!
The binding was a bit tricky but after making a royal mess out of the first try with a binding I made too narrow the second try was much better. I think with practice it will only get better though.
Overall, I really enjoyed making this and I really hope my Keep Me Warm Partner loves it just as much as I do. I'm darn proud of that mug rug!!
Oh! Wanna see it?

*I'm not sure what's going on with the colours in this picture but the purples are much nicer and all the orange you see is actually pink. Odd camera I guess.*
Oooohhh....Das nice!! I really like the way you pieced it together and quilted it. I think I shall try something more like this one, for my other partner's mug rug.
awesome! You totally need to come over and make one with me. I want to make one!
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