Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mug Rug. What Every Coffee Cup Needs!

I am a Craftster swap addict! I love joining swaps that challenge me. Joining different swaps gives me the excuse to try a new craft. Recently, I joined 2 swaps. Keep Me Warm Swap and Mug Rug Swap. The Keep Me Warm swap is all about the hot drinks we consume to keep our bones warm and toasty so the mission is to send your partner hot yummies, something cozy to wear and an accessory for said hot yummies. The Mug Rug Swap is just that, a swap of mug rugs. Never seen a mug rug? Here's a pretty one. Basically, they are a small place mat for your mug. They are usually quilted. I have never quilted. I have always wanted to quilt. Perfect! An excuse to learn quilting.

I've already mentioned the Keep Me Warm Swap. Hey! An ideal situation to practice said mug rug! So I sat down with some fabric scraps that were sent to me with a fabric I purchased on Ebay and this tutorial on Stash Manicure , this tutorial for binding from That Girl...That Quilt and this binding tutorial from Oh, Fransson!

I would like to tell you it was so easy I had it done in 15 minutes.. but I can't. I can say, though, that is was very straightforward and once I figured each step out it was much easier. I really need to learn to measure, measure, measure!

The binding was a bit tricky but after making a royal mess out of the first try with a binding I made too narrow the second try was much better. I think with practice it will only get better though.

Overall, I really enjoyed making this and I really hope my Keep Me Warm Partner loves it just as much as I do. I'm darn proud of that mug rug!!

Oh! Wanna see it?


*I'm not sure what's going on with the colours in this picture but the purples are much nicer and all the orange you see is actually pink. Odd camera I guess.*


Mama A said...

Oooohhh....Das nice!! I really like the way you pieced it together and quilted it. I think I shall try something more like this one, for my other partner's mug rug.

Anonymous said...

awesome! You totally need to come over and make one with me. I want to make one!