For anyone reading this who doesn't already know this about me, I hate winter!! No, I REALLY hate winter. Just thinking about the impending winter season while we're still in summer makes me physically ill. I don't shovel snow, I don't toboggan, I don't ice skate, I don't snow shoe, I don't have snowball fights, I don't play in the snow. As a matter of fact, I barely even leave the house during the winter. That being said, I used to. I used to skate the Rideau Canal every year. I loved building snow forts and I even snowshoed a few times. I even used to cross country ski.
I was cleaning out the fridge and Ruby was looking out the door. I had an idea. We should go outide too! So I bundled Ruby up, grabbed my camera and out we went.
Ruby was watching Bryan face-dive in to the snow so she decided to try it out. It didn't work out so hot for her. She went down, she didn not come back I picked her up and she was totally covered in snow. It was fantastic. She disagreed. 

Somewhere along the line I developed a huge feat of the snow and ice. I fall a lot and ice really doesn't help that. Then I started to drive and that open a whole new can of frosty, snow covered worms. Somewhere in my life I lost that magical feeling that the first bit of snow gives you as a child. Luckily for me, I have 3 chances at experiencing that all over. This brings me to my point.
So today it's been snowing. Big sticky flakes that are staying on the ground. The kids and I took a walk to the store to buy bread for lunch and Bryan decided he wanted to play outside when we got back. Stellar idea, I thought. That will give me time to do a few things inside.
The kids went out after lunch ( Erynn needed coaxing, I think she might be like me when it comes to winter..). Apparently they were making snowmen. Bryan came in to ask for a carrot but we didn't have any so he took a peice of celery instead. lol
I was cleaning out the fridge and Ruby was looking out the door. I had an idea. We should go outide too! So I bundled Ruby up, grabbed my camera and out we went.
She doesn't look impressed does she? lol
Ruby did her awkward baby in a snowsuit walk around the yard and Bryan and Erynn introduced me to their new snow friends.
I was very impressed.
I watched the kids play in the snow for a bit and took some pictures. The batteries died and I missed some really funny things.
Ruby was watching Bryan face-dive in to the snow so she decided to try it out. It didn't work out so hot for her. She went down, she didn not come back I picked her up and she was totally covered in snow. It was fantastic. She disagreed.
All in all it was a lot for fun watching the 2 older ones making things out of snow and watching the baby wonder what the heck was going on.
This is the part when I show off how beautiful my kids are. Bask in their cuteness!!

YAY FOR KIDS IN THE SNOW!!! I can not wait for Zaria to play in the snow! I just hope she doesn't freak out like she did over grass, sand and hand paint. LOL!!
You guys got way more snow than we did. There isn't enough here to play in yet :(
P.S...Beautiful pictures of the chillins!! And I am still laughing hysterically over the face plant.
Let me apologize in advance for what I'm about to say--I LOVE SNOW! ;) Great pictures, yes--they are very cute! And there's nothing that adds to the cuteness like red cheeks and noses from winter. I hope we get snow this year, send us some, I'll take it gladly! ;)
Yeah, I feel cheated :( We didn't get that much snow. . .and you know I would gladly have taken it off your hands.
OOOOHHHH awsome pictures.. it looked like so much fun.....Wish i could join right in!!!
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