First I scoured the internet for dummy-proof instructions. (Yes I know they're simply buy hey.. I am a dummy! ) I found a lot of really great websites but decided on this one. It has plenty of pictures. Right up my alley!!
I'm a silly woman so I didn't think to take pictures of my progress until last night and by then it was mostly done. Doh!
Here is my silly little monkey before I went to bed. His body has been stuffed, he has a tail and one arm.
So far so good, huh? Just to let you know, I was planning on making this little guy for my kids. I was going to make one for each of them for Yule. It was going to be a grand suprise! The plan was to work on him after the kids went to bed so they wouldn't see it. Well this morning,when I came downstairs, it became very apparent that my children can smell sock monkeys. They found his little half formed body and carted him around the house, getting in to stuff. Grr... Oh well. I told them it was supposed to be a suprise and no I'll have to find some other kids to suprise. Hopefully that bit of "mean mommy" will actually make sure they are suprised when they get their monkeys. lol ( No, I'm not THAT mean.. I just like to front that I am..)
Anyway, due to his early exposure, I figured I might as well finish him up this morning. I sew on the remaining arm, his face, his sweet ears and a lovely mouth. The I looked for eyes. Two buttons would have done it. Think I could find buttons? Nope! So he's still blind but I'll remedy that this weekend.
Here is my finished product:
So I have one mare pair of socks like this one so I'll start a new monkey tonight. This weekend I'll get some more socks and I'll be able to have a monkey for each little crazy. I was thinking of making a pink bow for Ruby's monkey and a purple bow for Erynn's just so all 3 look a little different.
If things go well I'm sure a few more people will be getting sock monkeys for Yule/ Christmas this year. Wee!
Woo hoo Sock Monkey!! About time you posted...It was a good one to post too!! I need to make some sock monkeys too now...LOL. I bet Lottie will love this one.
Sock monkey's rule !!! and if could find my stupid usb cord for the digital I'd post you up a pic of the one I made Lexi :P
Good job lady!!!
Yeahhhh !!!!!! sock monkeys...... I attempted one and well it neesd help but it was sooo easy and i got really excited It looks great and im sure your kids will love it.
Good job mama
Lottie mae.....
Lottie, you should invite me to your blog! ;)You, A and I need to get together again. This time we could have a sock monkey sewfest!!
Melissa, I totally need to see your sock monkey. I'm going to make 2 more like the one I already made but then I want to try making some different ones. I'd like to try the zombie sock monkey. :P
That is totally the same pattern site i used to make my monkey.. so simple.. I like pictures.. thats what works best for
I will get amanda to send you my e-mail then i can invite you....
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